
Showing posts with the label community - cymuned

Visit to the shop... Ymweld a'r siop...


Sponsored Bounce... Naid Noddedig

Thank you for your support with today's sponsored bounce.  Caban Kingsland is a not-for-profit organisation so every penny helps. Diolch ameich cefnogaeth gyda naid noddedig heddiw. Mae Caban Kingsland yn sefydliad di-elw felly gwerthfawrogwn bob ceiniog.  

Fruit tasting.... Blasu ffrwythau...


Tesco visit... Ymweliad Tesco...


Pudsey hunt.... Chwilota am Pudsey...


Thank you - Diolch

Thank you for supporting our recent sponsored bounce - we raised £441 for Alder Hey's Ronald McDonald House.  Wonderful! Diolch am gefnogi ein naid noddedig diweddar - fe wnaethom godi £441 ar gyfer Ronald Mconald House yn ysbytu Alder Hey.  Gwych!

Sponsored Bounce - Naid Noddedig


Sponsored Bounce, raising money for Alder Hey - Naid Noddedig, codi arian ar gyfer Alder Hey

The children at the Caban have all been invited to take part in a sponsored bounce at Ysgol Kingsland on Friday, 26th May.  The proceeds raised by the Caban will be given to the McDonalds House in memory of baby Joshua Day whose sister attends the Caban.  McDonalds House supported the family, allowing them to create happy memories during Joshua's time at the hospital.  We would like to show our support for this charity, in the hope that other families can enjoy the same benefits.   Mae plant y Caban wedi cael cynnig i gymryd rhan mewn bowns noddedig hefo Ysgol Kingsland ar Ddydd Gwener, Mai 26ain.  Bydd yr arian sy'n cael ei godi gan y Caban yn mynd tuag at yr elusen McDonalds House, er cof am Joshua Day (brawd bach un o blant y Caban).  Byddem yn hoffi cefnogi'r elusen er mwyn helpu teuluoedd eraill i dderbyn yr un gefnogaeth. 

Shopping visit - Ymweliad siopa


Santa's visit to the Caban - Ymweliad Santa i'r Caban


Children from the school visit the Caban to read - Mae plant o'r ysgol yn ymweld a'r Caban i ddarllen


Caban trip to the play centre - Trip y Caban i'r ganolfan chwarae


Sponsored Bounce - Naid Noddedig


Reading together in the Caban... Darllen efo'i gilydd yn y Caban...


Mark-making alongside older children in the Caban... Gwneud marciau ochr yn ochr efo plant mawr yn y Caban...
